
Monday, August 01, 2005

qzen42 feels

Thinking Out LOUD

What's in your head, boy? (nod to Pirates of the Carribean)

Dinosaurs and diapers, snowglobes and giraffes, yard sales and meditation. From time to time, I try to discern a coherent whole to my life, a pattern, a theme, but it's an elusive thing. Evasive. Shrouded in mist and the distractions of daily life. I get close when I'm at Tai Chi or swimming. It's that sweet stillness. Stopping the moment. Like Saturday at Dorney. I was sitting quietly while Nicky napped. Time slowed down. Dappled light and a warm breeze. Calvin laughing and playing in the water. Spontaneous King-of-the-Hill erupts around the turtle. One kid, larger than the rest, is seriously challenged by only two others. But I'm pleased to see Calvin stay in the fray (but wisely retreating when the BMOT reasserts himself). He is much more comfortable in the water these days. I suspect he'll be swimming soon.

Meanwhile, Nicholas wakes up. Takes it all in. At seven months, water is a fascination for him. He slaps at it. He tries to pick it up. But it eludes him. And so it goes.

Calvin was also on a kick of naming branches of science.

Earth? Geololgy.
Weather? Meteorology.
Bugs? Entymology.
Mountains? Geology, ecology, zoology, depends how you approach it.
Everything? Cosmology.

Work is a different sort of animal. Workload easily approaching 2-3 headcount. Very challenging. New people, new processes, new skills. Never enough time. But the business seems to be succeeding, growing. So the main challenge is execution, more like, keeping up.

And the pattern drifts away again. The endless cycle of rise, morning bottle, drive to work - NPR, morning rituals (Buddhist quote, favorite websites, scan e-mail, plan the day, dive in, CRISIS! react, lunch, dig in for the afternoon. BILLS! a little chat. closing offensive. Drive home - NPR. Back to Daddy duty. Sleep.

If Annette's @ Mary Kay, must be Monday. Everyone home. Tuesday. Tai Chi with Calvin? Wednesday. Talking to Jeff about Friday's venue = Thursday. Friday. Mad push from customers. Guys night out. Saturday AM? Yard sales. Work on house or do Dorney or shop or sleep. Sunday, Cal & Annette @ Yoga. Visit family. Hang out with friends. Sunday afternoon nap. Dappled light, breeze through the maples. Lovely, cool, breathing maples. Come October, cursed maples. Zen raking.

My foot is sore. Shoes? Extra pounds? Holding stress? A little of each. Living in the moment does reduce stress. But makes it tough to gather your thoughts. In some ways, I don't think as much as I used to. Work is just pure concentration on repetitive tasks. Home is a sequence of parent, cook, clean, play, relax, love, sleep.

Ishmael. Awareness. Stillness. Gentle on myself. Gentle on the earth. 7 Habits. 42. How I love garlic and buffalo wings and dark chocolate and beef jerky and Mountain Dew. See how elusive it is. Poetry just explodes from some folks' souls. I compose when I make a new salsa. Salsa de whatever's-in-the-fridge. Like olives, sun-dried tomatoes, capers and guaccomole.

Around that next corner, the answer. In that next song, nirvanna.
Peace really does lie in having enough.

At this moment.


It is enough to be.


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