
Friday, January 09, 2004

qzen42 feels

Back to the Jurassic Trek

FADE IN - Dr. Brown's lab

MARTY McFLY: Doc, I'm afraid we have to build another time machine.

DOC BROWN: Marty, this better be good. I vowed never to rebuild the DeLorean. Besides, a Hummer makes more sense for this sequel. What is it?

MARTY: I just received a message from the future on my Palm Pilot. There's trouble on the moon. There's a dinosaur loose.

DOC: Great Scott!! Next I suppose you're going to tell me that Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California.

MARTY: But Doc, Arnold already IS the governor of California.

DOC: Oh, I see. So how does this involve you, Marty?

MARTY: Not me this time, Doc. The dinosaur was hatched in a lab supervised by Emmett Brown, Jr, who looks suspiciously like Jeff Goldblum.

DOC: He's got to be stopped. The last thing we want is a dinosaur on the moon. Think of the free publicity for NASA. This will never do. And who will ever believe Jeff Goldblum is my progeny???


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