
Friday, June 18, 2004

qzen42 feels

Tuna Noodle Casserole

I recently started walking with an old acquaintance from work. Actually, she worked more with my wife than me. In conversation, she mentioned that her daughter had asked for tuna noodle casserole. My friend was busy that night so she told her daughter if she wanted it, she would have to make it herself.

Fast-forward one day. What does my wife say I haven't made lately? Yup.

Tuna Noodle Casserole.

She has always been a fan of tuna noodle casserole, preferrably with peas. I like to add diced onion, too.

I have come to accept coincidences in my life, ever since I read the Celestine Prophecy,

The Celestine Insights

Sometimes it's serendipity. Sometimes it's mere synchonicity. Sometimes it's amusing. Often it's startling.

Take Da Vinci. Now Da Vinci has been getting more airplay since The Da Vinci Code hit the shelves. Some time ago, probably whilst reading The Artist's Way, I remember a suggestion to read the biographies of inventors, artists and the like to learn about creativity and perhaps get a spark of inspiration. Naturally, I thought of Da Vinci. A few days ago, that notion was resurrected when I ran across an article on Math and the Mona Lisa in American Artist magazine. That very night, at my church's board meeting, our Director of Religious Education mentioned a study group that read and discussed The Da Vinci Code.

So tonight our family went to The Discovery Center of Science and Technology in Bethlehem, only to discover that the future home of the center will be named after Da Vinci. My wife and I also both won Da Vinci door prizes (lapel pin and schnazzy hat, resp.) for entering our e-mails in a drawing.

The only possible explanation: Tuna Noodle Casserole.

Guess I better make some this weekend.


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