
Thursday, December 16, 2004

Don't Cry for Me, Argentina 

the STORY of Cervazo
Are you ready for a wonderful, sad story?  It's all about a little girl who came to us over a year ago.  Cervazo was our foster daughter, but now she's gone.
[dramatic pause]
well, sorry folks, but im not gonna tell the story.  you see, i have to be careful not to let the STORY of Cervazo become larger than Cervazo.
[what exactly do i mean?] 
well, these days i work with what's in front of me (the future, my surroundings) and i prefer facts (Friday: Just the facts, Ma'am).  Feelings are fine, they come they go, I work to let them wash over me (remember SpongeBob - absorbent, and yellow and porous is he)
[why limited punctuation?]
*purely for dramatic and aesthetic reasons*
so, if i tell you my sad tale of woe (which it really isn't) about how lil Cervazo was ripped from our house after a year or so of raising her as our own, you really need to think further back, and imagine the scene at Cervazo's *real* home when she was taken from her birth mom, Merlot, and, by way of some agencies, brought to us.  Same scene, but perhaps worse.
The *trick*, and im not saying it is easy all the time, is to keep Cervazo and her needs out ahead of everything else.
What I really want:
That Cervazo may be safe wherever she is, and always be given the opportunity to live, grow and thrive. 
(if that sounds like a prayer, then perhaps it is)
[are prayers just wishes in disguise?]
    -- Trans-Siberian Orchestra, from Christmas Eve and Other Stories, This Christmas Day
If Merlot can provide that, then she's a loving and competent Mom.
Let go the past, let go your preconceptions about how things SHOULD be and who deserves what.  The Universe owes nothing to anyone.
[but that's not fair!]
who ever said the Universe plays fair?  the Universe doesn't even understand the concept.  Events just are.  [feces precipitate].  devoid of meaning.  devoid of emotion. devoid of names.  [the tree doesn't know it's a tree]
[and no, i don't really like Madonna.] 
what i mean is that im not in sympathy with some of her life choices, and im probably jealous of her fortune and fame, despite that.
but i do like her voice and some of her songs. 
especially Vogue, as performed by the Chipmunks.  check it out...

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