
Friday, January 30, 2004

qzen42 feels

Talk is Cheap
Added SquawkBoxTv Comments. Not that anyone's looking.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

qzen42 likes

Hot Wasabi Peas

A blog is for whatever, yes? So, I like hot wasabi peas. In fact, I like many things Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc. Just thought you should know.

I have one of those rare moments when I am essentially "caught up." Not that thousands of projects aren't howling in the wings. Unfinished business. Nobel peace prize. Yada. Yada. Yada.

But it's nice to sit back once in a while and just reflect. My life has worked out pretty well. I still experience restlessness from time to time. But I really am pretty content with things.

I am saddened to know that our foster daughter will be leaving soon, but trust that this is the best for her. I pray she goes to a safe nurturing place. I entertain the notion that she will in some way remember us after she departs.

Future topics

The Seven Seven of Sevens
Chief Cook & Bottle Washer
Reptar, Rex & Other Dinosaurs

Stay Tuned.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

qzen42 feels

As I Went Walking That Ribbon of Highway

It's hard to write about an impression you get looking at a scene, but here goes...

I live next to the Interstate (he's got an interstate runnin' through his front yard...) and my various daily excursions take me along this ribbon of highway often. At dusk, or just after, the ribbon turns to a stream of headlights and I find myself marveling at this image. A combination of geography and human ingenuity, but also human largesse. SUVs & asphalt. Neon and exhaust.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at here, but I guess it's that this man-made scene is beautiful in a surreal way. And it's kinda melancholy, because I think about 100 million years ago, when a herd of dinosaurs might have been roaming the interstate. No McDonalds, no Home Depot, just flora and fauna.

Friday, January 09, 2004

qzen42 feels

Back to the Jurassic Trek

FADE IN - Dr. Brown's lab

MARTY McFLY: Doc, I'm afraid we have to build another time machine.

DOC BROWN: Marty, this better be good. I vowed never to rebuild the DeLorean. Besides, a Hummer makes more sense for this sequel. What is it?

MARTY: I just received a message from the future on my Palm Pilot. There's trouble on the moon. There's a dinosaur loose.

DOC: Great Scott!! Next I suppose you're going to tell me that Arnold Schwarzenegger is Governor of California.

MARTY: But Doc, Arnold already IS the governor of California.

DOC: Oh, I see. So how does this involve you, Marty?

MARTY: Not me this time, Doc. The dinosaur was hatched in a lab supervised by Emmett Brown, Jr, who looks suspiciously like Jeff Goldblum.

DOC: He's got to be stopped. The last thing we want is a dinosaur on the moon. Think of the free publicity for NASA. This will never do. And who will ever believe Jeff Goldblum is my progeny???


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